The "Marble from Concrete" Technology

It allows you to create construction and finishing materials according to individual design, using more than 500 molds for products for both indoor and outdoor use. We will help you create a highly profitable turnkey production. You will have your own factory with the launch of a production line in one week. The area of the production room is from 100 m2. The payback period is six months.
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About technology

It took researchers 1.5 years to develop the artificial marble Kamelot NN technology. As a result, they found a component kit/component mixture method proportion and implemented a pelletizing method of concrete mixture production (mass fraction of water 17%). The process of concrete batch forms small balls which spread out over a casting mould after they get on a vibrating table. Pellets’ structure is similar to play-dough – it is dense and has no air inside. That is why final concrete products are way more solid than regular concrete, let no water inside and add unique luster to its surface.

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Construction materials you can make with the Kamelot NN technology

With the Kamelot NN technology you can produce a range of construction and architectural materials: paving flag, concrete parquet, facing stone, fencing, steps, landscape wares, fireplaces, monuments, etc.
Paving tiles
Concrete parquet
Facing stone
Landscape and architectural products
Decorative fireplaces

The Kamelot NN technology imitates natural stone: marble, granite, onyx, malachite, etc.


Product specifications

Kamelot NN products feature remarkable strength characteristics


Training includes

The training is conducted on our production floor by a production manager who gives theory and mostly practice.

Technology transfer

  • 1 Technology tour. Visit of showroom with end products.
  • 2 Training on the production floor (microfactory) in a minimum of 2 production shifts.
  • 3 One day theory training.
  • 4 A production floor tour.
  • 5 Equipment and casting boxes selection.
  • 6 Signing of an agreement, invoicing. Any method of payment.


Kagwiria Kimathi
Nairobi, Kenya
We are very happy about the reception we received from Kamelot NN. The training was very good and they were able to answer all of our questions about the technology and business. We are excited at the business opportunities that they have given us, and we look forward to a long and meaningful relationship with Kamelot NN.
Abdulmalek Ghannem
Bizerte, Tunisia
I would like to thank Kamelot NN for providing the technology. The training was very good and the practice I have got during the training was priceless, as it allowed me to learn many specifics about the Marble from concrete technology. I would also like to thank the Kamelot NN team for accommodation, service and general hospitality during my stay for the training.
Charles Ngaara
Nairobi, Kenya
Impressed with the training and professional approach of the Kamelot NN team. Looking forward to start doing business with the company for many years. Regardless the training, Kamelot NN offers a large choice of moulds – big diversity of products for the future of my company.
Do Van Hai
Hanoi, Vietnam
Have studied the Kamelot NN technology for making artificial stone, bricks from concrete. As my company’s work is connected to concrete and construction business, it was quite simple to learn the technology. However, the practice part has shown many useful tricks explaining how to create a look of artificial stone.


Learn how to work with the Kamelot NN technology and produce cast stone
ONLY $1,500


Send us inquiry for training today and we give you plastic moulds for concrete products
Send inquiry for the technology training now!
Send inquiry now and get a ready-made business plan for your own building materials startup.
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