Online technology training marble from concrete

Online training in “Marble from Concrete” and “Kevlar Concrete” technologies

The Camelot company provides training in vibratory casting technologies “Marble from Concrete” and “Kevlar Concrete” remotely. The cost of the course is 30,000 rubles.

You are purchasing a technological package, which will include technical specifications, batch formulas, and coloring recipes for two methods of producing artificial marble from concrete using gravity and planetary concrete mixers. The technologist conducts online classes via video conference.

Technology transfer process:

  1. Signing of the contract. Invoicing. Any form of payment: in Russian rubles or dollars.

  2. Sending technical documentation on technologies by e-mail (calculation of components, batch formulas, basic tinting recipes).

  3. Online video lessons with a technologist: theory and demonstration exercises on technologies.

  4. After online classes, the student makes an independent batch of tinting.

  5. The next day, consolidation of the studied material, clarification of any questions that have arisen, dismantling of finished products. If necessary, repeat the theoretical part.

  6. Transfer of the complete technological package, photographs of finished objects.

  7. Further information support and consultations from a technologist.

Technology package includes:

1. Technological regulations for the production of decorative stone and paving materials, fences and fireplaces.

  • requirements for production premises;

  • list of equipment;

  • number of personnel;

  • characteristics of manufactured products;

  • quality requirements for raw materials;

  • compositions of concrete mixtures;

  • technology for the production of decorative stone and paving stone materials;

  • technological recommendations for painting concrete products;

  • schemes and recipes for painting decorative stone (separately for each collection);

  • recommendations for the storage and use of decorative stone and paving materials.

2. Layout of the production site.

3. Standard forms of technical specifications and product quality certificate.

4. Standard contract for the supply of decorative stone and paving stone materials.

5. Technological recommendations for laying decorative stone and paving stone materials.

6. Activity diagram.

7. Equipment drawings.